Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Being a Knitter Means You're OLD??

Recently upon learning that I knit, a friend's response was, "When did you get to be so old!?"

I responded that I was born old. What I should have added however, is "But... I'm getting younger all the time!"

There are plenty of young knitters! I am a chick with sticks! And who but the young (or at least young at heart) would ever consider joining a Stitch & Bitch group?

If more knitters were to knit in public, it would be way obvious what the range of ages are.

So... let me ask:

Would an old person knit this??

I have to say, this is probably the most creative thing I've come up with. One day my friend Kathy brought me this skein of hot pink "fringy" yarn with colored bits throughout and says, "I thought I would do a project with my nieces with this but it doesn't look like that's going to happen, so I'm giving it to you."

Oh dear. As a rule I don't wear pink. Certainly not that shade. So a scarf is out.

Hey, I could make something for Kathy! And then I remembered the bikini pattern in my Stitch & Bitch book. I couldn't use the pattern the way it was written as the yarn they used was much different (maybe classier even... I know, hard to imagine), but I could use it as a place to start. The hard part was keeping good notes every time I had to rip out and start again to get correct sizing and then get the second half the same as the first.

Kathy claims it wouldn't even fit her cat which of course means she thinks it wouldn't fit her either and I know that's completely untrue because it fit me (well, sort of) and she's at least as "small" as I am...

Ah well, I guess sometimes we just have to go along with the delusions of friends, don't we.


  1. I think you have knitted a very nice blindfold, thats why its on the bed post isnt it? Pink works then because you cant see ;)

  2. Hmmm... a multi-purposed item. I hadn't thought of that! I'll be sure to mention it to Kathy since she has it now. :)

  3. Comment left by Yvonne on FB: OH MY GOSH...that was a riot Suz....I have some PURPLE of that if you want to make the bottoms too....no lie....

    Suz here: That would be SO COOL! Truth is, I had about 12 inches left that I made into a teeny tiny G-string. That didn't make the photo, haha

  4. Comment left by Amy on FB: That's awesome! :)

    Suz here: It was a lot of fun. :)
