Monday, January 31, 2011


I have been finding my vocabulary expanding as a result of my job. Today I encountered the word "procyclicality," as follows:

"Comments on the FDIC, OCC and Federal Reserve's joint market risk capital proposal are due April 11. The proposal seeks to better capture positions for which the market risk capital rules are appropriate, reduce procyclicality in market risk capital requirements, enhance the rules' sensitivity to risks that are not adequately captured under the current regulatory measurement methodologies, and increase transparency through enhanced disclosures."


And I'm supposed to sort out whether this affects our company...

A couple of the others I've encountered are:

  • Contemporaneously. As in - “The term “joint applicant” refers to someone who applies contemporaneously with the applicant for shared or joint credit."

  • Promulgated. As in - "The guidance is being offset by examiners and other regulators in the field who have not followed the policies promulgated by their agencies in Washington but continue to be overly restrictive when evaluating the credit decisions of those they regulate."


Now I'm just trying to work out how I can slip any of these words into a conversation. Maybe, "My knitting projects are sure showing a procyclicality these days!"


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