Thursday, February 3, 2011

Look What I Spotted!

It's my very first car! Er, pickup. When I moved out here in 1986, I bought this little Mazda. I loved it! It had a four speed stick-shift on the floor and had a really hard time coming up over the mountain from Merlin into Grants Pass on the freeway. It also required about 10 minutes to warm up in the cold weather in order to work without being a bit dodgy.

Wow, I thought for sure it would have been scrapped long before now. I used to see it around town quite a lot when I first sold it, then gradually less and less often. It's probably been at least 15 years since the last sighting.

I have mixed feelings about seeing it: It's looking so darned sad! On the other hand, it does have happy memories that bring a smile to my heart...

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