Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wineaux Nights

This is me and my friend Kathy - we had "Wineaux" night last night, where we get together with friends and everyone brings a bottle of wine (that normally follows a designated theme) and food to pair with the wine. Last night was Sangiovese, but Chianti was also included as the wines made in the Chianti region of Italy usually use Sangiovese grapes. We also had an assortment of Italian-like cheeses and hors d'oeuvres to accompany the wines. We pour a taste of each wine, and usually everyone comes up with a favorite, although seldom the same one.  My favorite last night was Maryhill Sangiovese 2006 from the Columbia Valley in Washington State. I was smart this time and took a pic of the bottle label with my phone since I usually lose scraps of paper I jot things onto.

My Wineaux shirt suits me as all my friends know how much I love to read. Kathy hates to read; her Wineaux shirt says, "Drinks well with others" but she wasn't wearing it last night. 

We do get a little bit silly sometimes...

But we always have a good time together.

In case anyone is wondering what a "Wineaux" is:

Well now, that pretty much says it!

We started our group in early 2006, well actually November of 2005 although it took a couple of months to really get going. The problem was, we were a little unsure of the best format in the beginning. We started with the idea that it would just be for the gals and we would meet on a Thursday evening. I had quite a few girlfriends who thought this would be a great idea but for one reason or another, Kathy was the only one who came that first time (it was at our house) so we opened our two bottles of wine and our two hunks of cheese, some crackers, and told Rich he could come join us after all and we had a fantastic time.

From then on, we decided on Friday nights once a month and to allow the men to join us. I was shocked to realize last night that it's been going five years now, but I suppose time just keeps going, fairly quickly actually, whether we think about it or not...

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