Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fuzzy Purple Yarn

So Yvonne left me two skeins of this purple fuzzy yarn today. It's to complete Kathy's bikini set - see entry of February 1, 2011.  I think hot pink and this lovely purple should coordinate quite nicely, don't you?

Purple fuzzy yarn from Yvonne
 Trouble is, I've got quite a bit of knitting to catch up on before I cast on a new project... I still haven't sewn on the stupid crab thing and seashell onto the January block, although I did get the three fishes sewn on. Sheesh!

My plan is to begin the February block tomorrow as I head down to Sacramento for a compliance seminar on Friday. Good thing I'm going with another person so as to share the driving... driving is such a waste of time when one can be doing other things...

Like knitting!

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