Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Hat is Done!

It's done!

I got Aidan, my 16-year old to take the photo for me... and I like the hat!

Note the supernatural phenomena on the bathroom wall. It's rather freaking Aidan and me out as it is not there except in photos on that wall. We've taken quite a few now, and sometimes it's not showing up on that wall. Other photos show the "spots" but in slightly different positions. We emailed a few to Aidan's big brother Jonas since he's got actual Paranormal Investigator Equipment. I thought it would be far more efficient for Jonas to just bring his stuff over to check it out. But, I suppose it was more efficient for him to not drive over here.  He's got some theory about it being a reflection off of something... Yeah. Tell that to Aidan...

So take a look at the pic of just the hat and you might be able to see why I had such angst about it:

Oh well. Some things are just better tried on.

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