Monday, April 5, 2010

Kids... :)

So Aidan tells me last night, "Mom, I thought I'd let you know none of my friends like our food."

WHAT!? What do you mean?

"Courtney wanted something to eat last night and she thought all your food is weird. Which it kind of is."

What are you talking about?

"Well, there was nothing in the fridge she wanted."

Why didn't you show her the fruit bowl? There're oranges, apples, kiwi, bananas...

"She didn't want fruit. I let her look through the whole fridge and there was nothing there she wanted."

Well if she didn't want an apple I guess she wasn't that hungry...

"She even looked through the pantry and said we have nothing to eat."

Okay, well I realize I have more "ingredients" than pre-made food, but what about all the nuts and dried fruit?

"She didn't want any of that."

Okay, well Aidan, I'm glad you're not that picky! And, since I'm not buying "crap" food for your friends, I guess they can just go home and eat.

Also, you can tell them it's because the typical American diet makes people unhealthy!

"Or you can tell them it's because your mom's weird," Rich adds helpfully.

"That's what I did tell them," Aidan says with a smirk.


HA! I happen to know three of your friends who like my dinners! Remember Zach who said, "Mmmm, this is good! You should make this every time I come over." Even if Nathan's been bringing his own snacks for some time now. haha

*Okay, calm down, he'll appreciate it one day... HEY! This would make a great Blog topic!* Exactly!

*And I do keep tortilla chips on hand, okay they're plain not Doritos but hey! Nobody eats the whole bag in one sitting that way, do they? They go good with salsa! And the gingersnaps I get... I had to look pretty hard to find a brand with no high fructose corn syrup and no partially hydrogenated anything and taste good...*

You'll thank me later Aidan!!


  1. I think so! I just wish the fresh organic stuff didn't cost twice as much. We have to try to balance it. (No doritos, cokes, etc. here either, but we do have to accept those nasty hydrogenated oils for now.)

  2. I say 'bravo' to you Suzanne. You give me hope about changing my food stuff over. It's going to be a process but you are helping by setting such good examples. Jonas loves those darn potato chips way too much. He does dip them in cottage cheese which I like too, but in small doses. After my pringles nightmare as a kid I have never been a huge fan of the potato chip...yeah!

    I think an overhaul in the kitchen, as far as what food stuff are in there, is in order.

    I love your blog, anytime you want to post something about healthy eating, I will 'eat it up' with my mind:)

    Shauna 'Roo'

  3. Hey there Roo!

    My advice would be to not give up the chips just yet, just start taking babysteps by adding some healthier things in from time to time - maybe try to add just one vegetable a day for awhile then two, and so on. After a time, you won't be quite so hungry for the "junk" since our tummies are only so big.

    Good luck and let me know how it goes!
