Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It's Time for Gardening!

After a wet, cold-ish spring, we finally have some warm weather! Okay, warm-ish. 

Here is the view to the west from my deck to the side of the house.

I got some seeds put into the ground weekend before last...

The peas are up! Just poked out of the ground yesterday.

The radishes just came out today...

I love the idea of using wine corks as garden markers. Use a Sharpie to label, then jam it onto the pointy end of a bamboo skewer. 

Now waiting for lettuce and carrots, which were planted the same time as the radishes (a week ago), and the kohlrabi, redbeets, basil, and zucchini I planted on Sunday.

Here are some other garden highlights...





The asparugus has been excellent grilled in some aluminum foil with garlic, olive oil, salt, and pepper.

The oregano provided an interesting substitution for cilantro when I made salsa the other day. It was good!  A little Italiany.  Good thing I like Italian.

I haven't actually used fresh rosemary yet this year, but it'll come in handy.

The mint makes an awesome addition to my morning smoothies.

I love gardens and herbs and fresh vegetables!

Does anyone have any good ideas for using rosemary? Leave a comment...


  1. Big sprigs of Rosemary on a whole chicken...inside...outside...EVOO and Wine too...on the chicken AND in a glass....you must test it first! the Wine...not the chicken...sheesh! must I tell you everything?...also in the baking dish (yes! you're baking the chicken!)...little new potatoes...no....not NEW POTATOES...'new' potatoes...they will pick up the taste of the Rosemary....SEA SALT over it all...are you hungry yet? I am....yum!!! I'll be right over!!!

    1. Awesome idea Yvonne, I can't wait to try that. I have a free-range chicken in the freezer that I'll use. :)
