Thursday, December 29, 2011

Felted Clogs

I can't remember exactly when I first became aware of hand-knit felted clogs, but it may have been from reading the Yarn Harlot's blog. I do remember being very impressed with them. Eventually I obtained the pattern (available here) and knitted a pair for my mother.

It was quite surprising to see how large they start out:

And... how small they end up:

The first picture is the unfelted clogs next to my foot. Although I could get the felted slipper on my foot, my mother's feet are smaller than mine so you can see that they shrunk down quite a lot. Prior to felting, they reminded me of my brother-in-law's slippers that fit on over his work boots so he can walk through the house without having to take his boots off. They just end up dirty on the insides.

On Monday I realized, " Oh! It's after Christmas now, I really ought to be thinking about my sister's birthday next week," so I cast on to make a pair for her. Don't tell her though, it's a surprise.

Luckily they knit up pretty quickly.

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