Saturday, April 30, 2011

Happiness is a Habit Part Two

Okay so the retreat was very cool. It was nice to get together and have a fun day.

Here are some thoughts I am left with:

1. God has promised to be with us through our troubles. Nobody expects us to go through crap alone, so all that needs to be done is to call upon Him for support.

2. We get to refer to our own chart and compass for our own life. As a matter of fact, it is our responsibility to do so.

3. We are each responsible for finding / following our own bliss. And it can be a fun adventure!

4. When we are needy, it throws us off. Everything we need is within us.

5. Quit minding other people’s business. They need to do what they need and want to do.

6. “Enlightened selfishness” is how one finds / maintains motivation.

7. Who says we can't feel really good, ALL the time?!
8. Prayer is a very powerful tool - even if we don't see immediate evidence of it.

Now to implement...

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