Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sometimes Things Do Happen for a Reason!

It's not always apparent though. And some series of events can seem quite bizarre. For example:

Thursday night, I fell out of bed.

Let me explain... I had gotten into bed and noticed a set of circular knitting needles that had fallen on the floor between the bed and the door, and I didn't want Rich to step on them when he came in so I leaned over to retrieve them. I reached them okay but then there I was, hovering over the edge of the bed and I found myself wondering if I was going to be able to heave myself back up because the bed is kind of high off the floor. Sure enough, when I went to pull myself up, the momentum dumped the rest of me over the side. This wouldn't have been so bad except for the nightstand with the brass latch on the door and I knocked my head right into that latch, hitting myself behind the right ear. Mercy that hurt! I called for Rich to help me get some ice and I went to sleep with an icebag on my head. (Turns out this is a good way to cool off for anyone who tends to overheat. Not me yet, but I intend to remember this for later on.)

Since then, it hurts only when I touch it, but the next day, I was on the phone with a co-worker and kept referring to the wrong regulation than what we were trying to discuss which sounded like this:

Me: Are you familiar with the SAFE Act?
She: Yeah, kind of. Isn't that about registering mortgage loan originators?
Me:  Oops, that's not what I wanted to talk about... Umm, how about risk based pricing notices required by the FACT Act?
She: Oh right. Doesn't that apply to the Finance Company?
Me: Yep, that's right. So... we're working on the privacy policy for this.
She: What!?
Me: Oh dear. Risk based pricing, that's right! Here's the thing...

So I told her I probably got brain damage from the night before and explained what happened. After laughing her head off, she suggested maybe I need to eat lunch first since it was 11:30 already, then we could talk about it afterwards, so we ended up meeting at Kaleidoscope Pizza.

And look who we ran into!

Cool, huh? If I hadn't fallen out of bed I would not have gotten to meet Chris Dudley!!!

So I suppose we can say everything happens for a reason...

Chris Dudley is the Republican candidate for Oregon governor and a former NBA player (go Trailblazers!).

I also want to clear up that I don't normally wear "prison stripes" but we had dressed for Halloween that day at work (Friday Oct 29th) and I went as French Painter. I did have the presence of mind to pull the black beret off prior to the picture being taken and I'd left the paintbrush and pallete at work.

Post election day update: It took two days to call the winner for governor; Dudley was ahead by 2% until all votes were completely counted and by Wednesday evening it was clear Kitzhaber won by 2%. Makes me realize how apathy in the elections ends up with effects we may not be happy with and how important it can be to pay attention early and TALK about our views - help other apathetic people to care about the issues!


  1. I love reading your's always very entertaining. gosh I liked your shirt...stripes and all...I hope you are ok now?
