Friday, February 5, 2010

Why I'm starting a blog

Okay, so while reading The Happiness Files by Pam Young and Peggy Jones (actually listened to the audio version), it struck me how much fun these two sisters must have had, writing books together. Hey! My sister Marji and I should write a book together!
About what, I have no idea. But I shared the thought with her anyway. She thinks it's a good idea too, so now we're going to think about what we might write about.

I thought blogging might be a good way to get started with the act of writing, thus my first post.



  1. Way to go Suz....perfect start...get some pix in there of your's super easy to post them to your blog...would love to see what the Kale Salad looks like!!!!! love ya!

  2. Thanks for the suggestion, and you're right, photos are the bomb!!
