Friday, May 13, 2011


I attended a writing workshop one evening this week; it was on poetry of all things. My first thought was, "I don't like poetry." But, as an aspiring writer, it occurred to me that getting one's creativity flowing through other means is not a bad idea.

And as it turns out, I rather enjoyed the process!

The instructor led us through imagery and writing down words of free associations pertaining to a month (or time of year), a place, and a color. Following are the poems I came up with that night:

     Mid Winter Evening

     Smell the wine,
     deep burgundy liquid
     in a sparkling glass.
     Scents of smoky berries
     captured from hot summer days.

     See the bare trees,
     dark branches against an indigo sky
     outside the window.
     Gone are the leaves
     That will again appear.

     Feel the heat,
     the orange crackling flames
     coming from the wood.
     bringing life.

     Listen to the wind chimes,
     from summer.
     Tinkles of music
     bringing a smile.

Imagery inspired by a place—

Once near Union Creek,
on a crisp autumn day
the Douglas firs
whispered in the breeze.
An eagle flew overhead,
back towards its nest
with a salmon from the river
clutched in its claws.

Go into the café,
for a sandwich and iced tea.
the rustic wood of the booth
feels smooth as you slide in.
The power is out,
order something
that doesn’t require heat.     (okay, admittedly this one could use some work!)

     Teal is…
     The color of secrets
     You tell your closest friend.
     The feeling of calm, on an autumn morning
     When you sip hot green tea
     With a drip of honey.

     A walk through the woods
     With your trusted pet
     Ambling along by your side.

     The sound of jazz, drifting over the hill
     Saxophone and bass
     And drums sounding lightly.

     Sunny days, when you’re feeling
     The courage to be you
     And the knife of anxiety
     Kindly wanders away.

     The sharp scent of rosemary
     Pressed between your fingers
     Hinting of promise
     You will be okay.